The Challenging Role of the Grade One Teachers

Based on observations, the Grade One teachers have the most difficult task and role in the elementary level. Since Grade One was the known as the “Foundation” of the elementary level, teachers need to build a strong foundation. There is also a need for values formation so as to shape them to become morally upright and good citizens. The fact that these pupils came from Kindergarten classes and were trained in different ways, the Grade One teachers need to be patient in reshaping them again. There is also a dire need to assist them in recalling past lessons so they would be prepared in entering the first level of elementary education. In terms of their reading abilities, reading and comprehension tests must be conducted to assure the learning taken from the previous year. This again calls for patient and understanding on the part of the teacher.

The sacrifices of the Grade One teachers are indeed worth mentioning because a lot of their time and even their lives were offered for the welfare of the learners.

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