What a Man’s Body Needs

Why should we teach Physical Education in schools?

A lot of people are finally acknowledging the need to be physically fit, as it undeniably adds to their aesthetic qualities as a man or a woman. Indeed, gym rats have finally taken over Instagram and some of Facebook, flooding their friends’ timelines with buff biceps and swollen abs.

But is there more to being fit than the good looks and the admiration from people from various parts of the globe?

There is.

People are made aware of the importance of getting fit at an early age, and there are a lot of benefits in this activity that we should never look the other way when discussing about it. The importance of exercise, for instance, is that it can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, according to betterhealth.vic.gov.au. It is also enumerated in the website the benefits of regular physical activities, such as; reduction of the risk of heart attack, better weight management, lower blood cholesterol level, and lower risk of diabetes and cancer.

These are all good effects of being fit through different physical activities.
Fitness.gov also furthers these benefits by incorporating physical activity in reducing the rate of obesity. The importance of being active is that it can also actually reduce the rate or the probability of becoming obese among people and it will negate the startling implications of being obese.

And indeed, what better platform to teach all these that in a school.

Physical Education is a must to be included in the school curriculum because it has a lot of effects in a person’s mindset. Young people being taught the importance of physical activities can be impacting to who they will become in the future. If they are made aware, then at a young age they would be starting to do things for their own health.

Physical Education, as well as Sports, are good additions offered in the curriculum of an educational institution and should not be put behind other subjects or areas in terms of significance.

First of all, it promotes good health. All the health benefits enumerated are scientifically proven, and that is one of the reasons why people become health buffs and all. Excessive intake of fats and cholesterol will have effects to one person’s body, and the best way to burn all those cholesterol away is through engaging in physical activities, may it be in the form of sports or regular exercise sessions.

Second, it improves the look of the body. Being in sports or going to gym, or just regularly working out at home through push-ups or crunches to an hour jogging to and fro within a time span early mornings will be, in no time, toning the muscles and making the body’s appearance better. For some people, this is their primary reason why they engage in exercise, but then, a healthy body come in as a freebie.

So why do we need to teach Physical Education in schools?

A teacher is someone who guides a young person in his formative years. He instills to a child all the knowledge and the values he will be needing in life, as the teacher will serve as a guide through all those years of learning. The school has a big role in establishing a person’s habit, beliefs, and morality.

If the importance of Physical Activities is formed at the school as a child is growing up, he will be more aware and thus will be conscious of his health and body. It will also enhance his physical state, boosting his self-confidence and his belief in his self.

These are all the reasons why we should teach Physical Education at school.

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